History of Industrial Design

During my first semester at RISD, I took a class taught by Matt Bird on the History of Industrial Design. This gave me a broad exposure to the cultural and technological forces that influenced how and why we have solved problems throughout history. I also pursued projects on the history of Stand Mixers and Roller coasters.



History of Stand Mixers Pecha Kucha

I gave a short presentation - 20 slides for 20 seconds each - on the history of stand mixers. The KitchenAid stand mixer was one of my favorite products before doing this presentation. My enthusiasm for it went even more through the roof after learning about its origins and commitment to manufacturing standards and brand integrity. 

Diversions and Inversions

We were asked to explore the history of any object. I went a little off-topic and chose "rollercoasters." And I'm so glad I did, because it ended up being a fascinating story.  Here is a poster summary and a link to the whole paper: